Wow look at me, flying on a rainbow ship. This must be a dream or something, there’s no such thing as a rainbow ship. What is this thing anyway, what the hell is a rainbow ship. It’s a ship shaped like a rainbow. Ha. This ship is definitely not a rainbow ship then.
Its colored like a rainbow though, all around. Its got red, orange, yellow, and yeah, everything else. Just like a rainbow. Its going pretty fast too, almost straight up. But it seems to be curving a little, like we just did a take off and now we are leveling off. But what do I know, I’ve never been in a rainbow ship. This is kind of fun though, even if it’s just a dream. The rainbow ship is going faster than I’ve ever gone, and the wind is incredible. But also silent, how can that be?
Maybe I’m inside? Is there some sort of glass covering the cockpit I’m in? I don’t know, let me see, hm, nope. No glass, the wind is just silent here. Just me and my thoughts. Except the wind does hurt quite a bit, its really strong, whipping me around, but it’s consistent at least. Always coming from right in front of me, where the rainbow ship is going. Where is this thing going?
And cockpit too? Am I in control then? There aren’t any steering wheels or knobs or whatever, how weird. There’s just a nice comfy chair that I’m sitting in. And its rainbow colored, of course. Why not. The rest of the inside of the ship is all rainbows. Rainbows, rainbows, rainbows. I must be pretty crazy to be having this dream, to think all of this up.
But not much is happening. Its just quiet. It’s actually pretty nice sitting here, enjoying the blizzard in my face and the empty silence of the universe. Relaxing. And mesmerizing. For some reason I don’t want to think, I want to just keep being here with nothing changing. Why do I want that. What the hell, dream. Why is my mind telling me this. Is it my mind? Maybe this is real. Why not.
Actually something has changed, the ship is traveling almost perfectly horizontally now, whereas before it was vertically. I guess the ship must have been leveling of for a while now, in a big arc. I don’t know how long I’ve been going for, it seems like forever. I can’t remember when I started, if I started.
Oh, ha, I get it. It’s a rainbow. A big rainbow, ha. Looking behind me… yeah there’s the rainbow. I’m leaving this big rainbow behind me. I mean, the rainbow ship is. I’m not really doing anything. I’m just stupidly sitting here because there’s not a lot I can do. I could jump out. Fun. I could keep sitting. Yeah, I’ll do that. This is just a dream, I should enjoy it.
I’m the rainbow god! I get it now! I’m the god of rainbows and I fly my ship super fast over the spot where a rainbow should be, and I make one. Duh, why didn’t I think of that before, it makes perfect sense. I wonder if I have rainbow powers. Can I shoot rainbows? Can I eat rainbows?
Ok this is getting pretty boring, how long is this dream, brain. I need to get up at some point so that I can go do stuff. You know, you’re my brain. So please can I get off now. This rainbow ship has been great and all, but seriously, I need to go. There’s no controls at all on this ship. What the hell. Why am I freaking out? This is just a dream, calm down. It will be over when it’s over.
But it just really scares me, the ship is pointing down now. I feel like it’s going faster too. Too fast. Way too fast. And down even more. I feel sick. Are we going to eventually be doing straight down? This fast? We are going even faster than I could fall I think. I feel weightless. This is not good, where am I going where am I going. That nice little patch of green down there? Right into it? Please tell me, please tell me what’s going to happen rainbow ship.
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